a journal between us (Mexico)
2016-2017During my one-month research residency in Puebla, Mexico from November -December 2016, I documented my experience through writing a series of journal entries in the form of letters to fourteen people. Each letter was handwritten and sent via mail from Puebla to New York. This is the second iteration of this project, first completed in 2014 during a teaching residency in India.
For Mexico, fourteen New York-based participants were invited to be part of this project and commit to these three actions:
1. Receive a letter from me via mail written and sent between November 7- December 5, 2016 from Puebla, Mexico.
2. Respond to the letter on the back side of the pages received.
3. Meet with me in person in New York to return the letter with response and discuss the contents of our two entries in person.
As of May 2017, 13 of 14 letters arrived via post from Mexico to their intended recipients in New York. I have met with 11 participants to date.
Invited participants: Yasi Ghanbari, Henry Murphy, Zeke Dunn, Anna Harsanyi, Aida Sehovic, Leticia Gutierrez*, Raul Valverde*, Beatriz Meseguer*, Madeleine Witenberg*, Sara Harari*, Lucas Gonzalez, Todd Shalom*, Adrianne Koteen.
* These individuals participated in the 2014 iteration of this project.